Category: France 2014
Monsieur Le Frommagier – and a Cherry Bomb
May 21, 2014
At Les Halles, the famous in-door market in Toulouse, you can buy some of the best cheese in the world, whole foie gras from both ducks and geese, various fowl with their heads still attached, and stinky fish that I would not touch – but there it is. I am spoiled about the fish. We…
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Le Canal de Midi
May 18, 2014
For years, I have come to Toulouse, rented a car, and died of envy as I watched people on bicycles enjoy the canals. Today, we rented velo’s and rode the 15 km to Pechabou for wonderful Sunday lunch with Joel and Cathy, Martine, Joelle et Herve and Maella and Alessia, Agnes and Christian – all…
A Quest for Cafe’s
May 17, 2014
The weather here has been glorious. Our street is very narrow (tres etroit) and we are on the ground floor, so we wake up in the morning and look straight up – through the impossibly 10 ft tall windows – right at the top – to see the colour of the sky. It is blue…
Nous Sommes a Toulouse!
May 14, 2014
…and it is still a beautiful, happy place. We arrived at the gate in Dublin and suddenly moved back into our habit of only speaking French outside the apartment – to each other and to everyone else. It is SO lovely. The bags arrived safely – but they have a new control scheme on the…