Tag: #EngineeringDeansCanada
Canadian Universities Lead the OECD in Delivering a Skilled Workforce
April 5, 2020
I have, for some time, wondered if universities are keeping up with the changing demands of our workforce, and if we are delivering on the promises made by the visionary leaders who founded our country. It turns out we are delivering. This op-ed was published in The Toronto Star on January 13, 2020, and again,…
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30 Years Later…Moving Forward, Building Strength, Inspiring Change
April 5, 2020
I want to start this post by thanking my colleague, Mary Wells, for engaging Engineering Deans Canada and Engineers Canada in a nation-wide project to mark the 30th anniversary of the shooting at Ecole Polytechnique. She is a wonderful colleague, and her partnership on this journey made a heart-wrenching job meaningful. The full project is…
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