Turbulent mixing, multiphase flow and process kinetics University of Saskatchewan College of Engineering

Teaching Abstracts

Papers on teaching related work are listed on my CV, with several highlights below.

Please contact me directly if you would like a copy of any of these publications.

  1. Suzanne Kresta and Inci Ayranci, Bi-modal no more: Shifting the curve in material and energy balances courses, AC 2011-1283, ASEE Conference Proceedings, Vancouver, June 2011.
  2. Suzanne Kresta, Uttandaraman Sundararaj and John Nychka, Building an Engaged, Collaborative, and Inspired Teaching Culture, AC 2011-1269, ASEE Conference Proceedings, Vancouver, June 2011.
  3. Suzanne Kresta, John Nychka and Roger Graves, Writing Well2: Building Traction and Triumph into Co-Authorship, AC 2011-1164, ASEE Conference, Vancouver, June 2011.
  4. Nelson, A. E. and Kresta, S. M., Team Teaching of Thermodynamics: Rapid Instructional Development in Young Academics, proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, June 2004.
  5. Suzanne Kresta, 1998, Hands-on Demonstrations: An Alternative to Full Scale Lab Experiments, Journal of Engineering Education, 87, 7–9.
  6. Suzanne M. Kresta, Andree Koenig and Murray R. Gray, 1997, Choosing an Optimum Feedstock for Yeast Production: A Design Oriented Senior Laboratory Experiment, Chemical Engineering Education, 31, 1, 22–25.