Turbulent mixing, multiphase flow and process kinetics University of Saskatchewan College of Engineering
Suzanne Kresta > Tag: glass ceiling

Tag: glass ceiling

Carrie Fisher aka Princess Leia RIP

December 31, 2016

I got the news that Carrie Fisher died two days after seeing Rogue 1. As always, Princess Leia’s appearance on the screen made my heart leap with hope and excitement in a way that no male hero ever will. She gave my generation of women exactly what her character held up with her final line…

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From a Sea of Suits to a Rainbow of Humans

December 11, 2016

Removing structural barriers is better for everyone. A friend of mine just shared an acceptance speech by Madonna, whose comment, “I think the most controversial thing I have ever done is to stick around.” struck a chord with me, along with Shonda Rimes’ acceptance speech earlier this year, “How many women had to hit that…

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